Under the Banner of Seventh Channel Communication SuperStar KamalHassan,Kamalini Mukherjee,Jyothika,PrakashRaj,MamaythaKhan are acting in the film Ragavan which was Directed by Sri Gautham Minon.
The story of the film goes like this KamalHassan and PrakashRaj are both Police officers and Kamilina Mukherjee is acting as kamal's wife.By some incidents the prakashraj's daugheer will dies in the hands of the physco doctors with these dipression the prakash raj will moves to the newyork with his family.
But Kamalhassan will take charge of this case and start investigation in the mean time of the investigation he will lost his wife and childrens. For more information about this case he moves to the Newyork.The reality which he knows about this case in the investigation is the story of these film.
The film is the tamil vesion of "Vettayudu vilayudu" which was directed bye K.V.V.Sathanarayana in Tamil.
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